October 31st. A day where small kids dress up as ghosts and vampires, walking from door to door, asking for sweets and money. Maybe if you're older, you may do the same thing, but with a child beside you, just to justify yourself. If you're really in the sprit of things, you may carry with you some eggs and flower. Head to one of those Halloween parties, there is bound to be a George Bush look-a-like somewhere.
Growing up as a child, I was never allowed to go out trick or treating. When I asked why, my mother would reply 'you're christian'. This never made any sense to me at the time. Having a bag full of sweets and cash seemed to be a good idea. I couldn't see what the problem was until I got older and done my own research.
The idea of Halloween originated in Ireland (5th Century B.C). October 31st was initially the Celtic new year, a period where (they believed) the barricade between death and life was at its thinnest. In believing this, they where convinced that the dead would walk the earth on October 31st, looking for a living body to possess. To supposedly fool the evil spirits, the Celtics would dress up as ghosts and devils to frighten them away - and that is why we choose to wear costumes at Halloween.
Now I am not writing this to say that we are in danger of being possessed on Halloween day. No. But what are we telling our kids when we allow them to partake in an activity that promotes evil, witchcraft, and chaos. A child would not obviously think into the deepness of the matter, but we are not making situations better when we present to them devil horns and tell them 'put them on for tonight. This is acceptable'. We wonder why the generations grow worse and worse but still we advertise evil in our schools and in our homes. Just for one night. October 31st.
You don't have to agree
Just my thoughts
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