Tuesday, 2 February 2010


SCENE 1: The dungeon...
For those who know me, you would understand I am reaching that time in my life where I am going through a lot of changes. Hair is growing in places I didn't expect...my face.*you sicko* I mean, I would shave my face clean, and then mysteriously look as if I have no-one to look after me weeks later. This was a major concern to me. I just did not understand why my hair was growing so quickly.

But I have now come to the point where I just don't care any more, and i wouldn't mind leaving this hair on my face for a few months or so...Just to see how much it would grow. That is where I thought up the idea of doing a sponsor....

The scenario is this...I leave my hair until april (for the sake of your entertainment of course) and you could sponsor me too keep it on. I choose april because my church is having a youth congress at that time, and I wouldn't be able to stand the embarrassment of being laughed at all the time for a week (unless I receive that generous donation from that generous sponsor *wink wink*).

If some-one says I resemble King Kong, or I look like a chimp with addidas trainers, it would all be written in 'ZoOm's Marvelous Beard'. Maybe you don't want to see me get tortured by the public; maybe you just want to see how far the beard will grow. I would obviously give you weekly updates on how the beard is doing....like this:

Or maybe i took it too far...I don't know.
If this idea pulls through, and enough people sponsor, the sponsors would count on how many WEEKS I keep the beard.
Now you can aim to give £1 a week...or maybe even two...£10 if your pockets are weighty. There is no limit, but do not disrespect and chip in a ten pence piece...cause thats just rude.

By the beginning of April, all of the money would be collected, and 50% of the proceedings would be given to charity. 25% will be handed to those in who are suffering in Haiti, while the other half would be handed to a more local organisation, but that is yet to be decided.

I'm giving a week to hear the responses. If I get no intrest in a weeks time, I would just leave it and get a hair cut. But if the reaction is big enough, I'll go for it...I mean...I'm on it if you are.

Get back to me :)
Twitter: ZOOM4YOU
Facebook: Andre 'Zoom' Anderson

ZoOm -x-

p.s you can just email me to say how crazy I am...I don't mind.

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